Inktober 9-13

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Janet Leigh in White

Janet Leigh in Black


Running across the street

Trying to fend off this sickness…

Inktober 5-7

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Inktober 5 “Business Woman”

Inktober 6 “I wouldn’t even hurt a fly”

Inktober 7 “Lana Turner”


Heres days 1-3 of Inktober. I was out of town this weekend, so I’m trying to catch up.

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11 Second club September Submission


“Phil talks to a Scientist about the new vacuum”

Here’s my submission for September. I happy with how it turned out. I won’t be doing October’s contest, since it’s a busy month. I’d like to do at least one more this year.

11 Second Club July Submission

Here’s my submission for the 11 Second club this month. I wish I had more time to finesse some of the drawings and actions, but I didn’t have time. I was also learning Toonboom Harmony but now I have a decent grasp of the program, so next much should be a little easier.